in his new blog, growing changing learning creating, tom haskins posts a set of seven criteria which he suggests we should use to question how we're using instructional design models like addie, isd, and hpt:
- avoids a misdiagnosis of the need for training
- learns from each learner
- responds to each trainee uniquely
- improves our design processes
- considers the transformation of context
- gets the desired outcomes
- gets buy-in from leadership.
i suggest to tom in a comment to his post that this is a very solid rubric to judge the effectiveness of all business behaviors.
A side note to this set of criteria is that tom attributes his decision to create growing changing learning creating to the conversations he had while participating in The Big Question. Now that's about as big an endorsement of distributed learning as you can get!
Thanks for uplifting response. I followed your suggestion and applied the criteria to a business context. The new posting is at:
Posted by: Tom Haskins | November 26, 2006 at 11:31 AM